Thursday, June 5, 2008


I couldn't think of a catchy title for today....

Just a quick update: Greg collected 0.11 units yesterday, giving a grand total of 1.5. (See previous posts for the Ph.D. explanation of the math involved).

OK, NOW they're talking about possibly collecting through tomorrow, and then giving him a few days rest, bringing him back mid-week next week, starting growth factor again, then collecting more the following week. It really does depend on who we talk to. This stuff changes by the minute. Of course, that's not definite, either. If they do that, then the 6/23 admission may not be a go (or, it might be a go. Sigh.). Hopefully, we'll know more Friday or Saturday, but probably not, at the rate things are going. Anyway, to all the wonderful people who are waiting in the wings to help me with the munchkins, why not put a hold on any plans at least until this weekend. Maybe then we can hammer out a plan? I hate to leave you all hanging, and I appreciate all you're doing to try to work this out, arrange vacation time etc. I wish things were more definite. Hopefuly, we'll know more soon. As always, I'll keep you posted!

Thanks to all! Keep praying! (We're getting there...)



Ian said...

He and you all are in my prayers, espcially since I was first to post.--

Judy said...

Hi Ian! Almost thought you had the day off again!

Well as we all know, medical 'stuff' is there to confuse us, keep us on our toes, give us a whole new education, and in general screw up any plans we might make and give us headaches. We will see how it goes and go with it! Shelly G. said she would GLADLY watch my three for 4-5 weeks if needed. She loves kids! ~as least that's what I THINK she said...

One Day At A Time!

Hugs to youz guyz,

Me and Them

The Bobs said...

We are all thinking about you....

When you are figuring things out...I am off July 3,4,5,6....I can be at your disposal...I could come the eve of the 2nd.
Who is Ian and why doesn't he ever want to talk to me since I am the cute smart sister, and I could always post first if you would all git goin earlier...I am usually up by 2 or 3 am....hey we usually go for coffee break at 06:30!

Auntie Princess

GingerJ said...

Hi Greg,
I thought of you last night while watching game 6. Hope you were able to catch it. I hate to see the cup won when the winning goal is scored by the opposing goalie who knocks in the puck by sitting on it.
David J

Anonymous said...

Um....first of all - Shelly G here - Ann, I think about you & the fam and pray for more good stuff collected. I know what pins and needles you must be on (no pun intended) - been there too. We're all here for you!

Second. Addressed to "me & them" - sure I can watch your kids for 4 or 5 weeks. That camper's gonna get "awful" cramped what with my 2 kids, your 3 kids and my two big dogs in there. But I can almost guarantee that the "tall one" you speak of will be more dog "friendly" after all is done

Just bring me back a t-shirt (or a quilt)

hugs to Ann and Family - cheesecake all around


GingerJ said...

Can someone tell me what the potato salad legend is?

Judy said...

The potato salad legend is just that... a legend. It's a story that started long, long, long ago about a mean family and one poor, beautiful Empress trying to feed them with a bowl of potato salad that, while tasting good, had decidely un-attractable features. They were an ungrateful lot and in general not very kind. All they could do was whine and complain for YEARS over one small attempt of caring.
Last summer, the Empress again fed them, food was good, the mean, angry family was satisfied and the Empress came home with the Mr. Potato Head Trophy. At that same banquet, the mean Elder Princess Sister, tried to get even by the slight she thought was done her family and tortured the poor Empress and her family with a year's supply of Veggie/Pasta salad in the Never Ending Bowl......
Hope that answers yourr question.