Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Good to Go!

Hi everyone! Sorry about not posting for the last 2 weeks, but nothing much really has happened. Every post would have been: "Greg feels good. Getting rest." That's about it. But, I kinda like it that way. We've had more than our share of drama the past few weeks.

Greg and I traveled to St. Louis yesterday to see Dr. Vij. It was a quick, uneventful visit. (I'm not really sure why we had to be there & I got the impression the doc was thinking the same thing.) Basically, Greg is feeling good, his lab work was OK (white count a little low, but that's to be expected given the disease) & he's set for admission.

He'll be admitted on Sunday (6/22) at 2:00 p.m. They don't waste any time, and will start high-dose chemo immediately. Grandma and Auntie Skibby come Saturday night, & I"ll be going with Greg to stay for the duration. I think I have all of the child-care situation worked out. I hope so, anyway!

I'll start posting regularly again next week.

In the meantime, we can't thank you enough for all the help, prayers & everything everyone is doing to help. We couldn't make it through this without you!




Judy said...

Cool! Let's get this done!

Turning up the heat on prayers too.

Don't overpack~ Mark seems to think there are stores everywhere that you can buy stuff at......

Love you Guys,
JS, MS, and the Princesess

PS Hi Ian! I've missed you!

Francis and Cindy said...

On Hong Kong time June 23 (U.S. time June 22), we will be flying back to the U.S. That means we will be 35,000 feet closer to the true Decider. We will take advantage of our “closeness” to say our prayers!


Ann said...

I always knew George W was high, but I didn't know he was THAT high.

Cindy, thanks so much for the prayer shawl. Its beautiful & will come in sooooo handy when Greg doesn't have any red blood cells at the end of next week. So sorry we missed your visit. Hope to talk to you soon!

Judy said...


We know you guys are feeling 'crunch time' as you're getting ready to go. Know that we are thinking and praying for you, double time!

-oh and if you need some comic relief, we'd be GLAD to send the girls down.....


JS & MS & The Schnecklings