Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July to you all!

What the heck are you doing inside surfing the web? You should be outside having fun!

Greg's symptoms continue to improve. His fever outbreaks seem to be getting less frequent and less intense. The "Revenge" is significantly better, and his mouth sores are improving. They continue to push fluids, but he still can't get his mouth to feel hydrated. But, daily we see incremental improvement. I can tell he's feeling better, as he's getting a little antsy. His appetite is poor, but he's had a little soup, crackers & bread over the last few days. He's really tired of drinking water, so I keep trying to find other things for him to drink. He ordered the diet lemonade today for lunch & it was like Will Smith in Men in Black when he went to "Edgar's" house -- I don't think they put any sweetener in it at all! He's now got a permanent pucker!

His white count continues to be zero, as well as his ANC (infection fighting cells), but that's still normal. The doc says he probably won't begin to see those come up until early next week.

So, we continue to hang out. Judy, Mark and the girls are on the way & we hope to see some fireworks out our window tonight. There's a big show planned from the Arch tonight. Unfortunately, we're facing north, so we may not have enough of an eastern angle to see.

On the cell phone front, I appear to have service again. I took out the battery & put it back in & Viola! It works (Sorry Amanda!). We'll see how long it lasts. If you try me & can't reach me, try Greg's. If he's awake, he'll answer.

Thanks to all for love, prayers, support & everything. Love the comments. David: Can't think of anything specific to ask for other than that the blood counts to come up soon. Mich: as soon as you get pregnant, I'll crochet you a pony too. Oh, and neither one of us believes the story about Brett coming back. We own a share of the Packers, which makes us owners of the team, and they haven't told US anything -- you'd think if there were any truth to it, we'd be the first to know!

Have a safe & happy 4th everyone!




Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we ate brats soaked in beer tongiht. and dad goes "to the skibis" lol cause its official wisc. food. lol. anyways hope you got to see some fireworks! Love you guys!
