Thursday, May 8, 2008

Prep Time

Well, we got the final schedule, and, if pheresis (collection of stem cells) goes as planned, we are on track for hospital admission June 9.

Next Wednesday, 5/14, we start in St. L at 7:45 a.m. (This will be interesting, as Greg has to teach in Joplin Tuesday night until about 8:30, and gets home around 10). He will get his catheter placed, and then his cytoxan chemotherapy. In my last post, I thought this was to release stem cells. Actually, its regular chemo to start cleaning things up. He goes back to St. L to stay 5/18, where he'll start injections of growth factor -- that's to stimulate stem cell release.

His hair will start falling out soon after the 5/14 injection, and he's scheduled for a "haircut" on 5/17. I'll take pics & see if I can figure out how to post them. Matthew and Eric said they're going to get "sympathy cuts," but we'll see. Eric has to work that day, and Matthew may decide he likes his pretty red locks. Mom does. Last time, Greg didn't want to get the "pre-transplant" haircut (head shave). Things got pretty ugly. After about half of it fell out on its own (ew!), we cut the rest off while at the hospital. For legal reasons, they won't give you shears to do it, so we did it with the craft scissors I had brought along (damn lawyers!). Not pretty.

Anyway, he could be in St. L as long as 5/30 before he gets to come home. We hope the duplex will be available on time.

So, in the meantime, we're busy getting ready on our end. The "care and feeding manual" is up to 32 pages, but most of that is things related to the house (garbage pickup, mail, grass cutting, etc.), and driving directions. We've had tons of offers of help, most of which we're trying to take advantage of.

For now, just keep those prayers and good mojo coming our way. We can't tell you how much we appreciate them!


Ann, Greg, Eric & Matthew

1 comment:

Mark said...

GRASS CUTTING?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Nobody said nothin about no stinkin grass cutting........

Have you taught that little red-headed kid how to use the mower?

Dana is still growing her hair for Locks of Love maybe she should just save it so Greg could use it? I hear that the 'Beatle Look' is coming back!