Sunday, May 18, 2008

Haircut Time!

Well, they're not exactly in order, but here's the haircut pics. You can enlarge each image by clicking on it. We actually had a good time. Greg is looking forward to all the money we'll save on shampoo! Matthew was scheduled for a cut, too, and up until he got into the chair, he vowed he was going to get his head shaved, too. When push came to shove, however, he thought better of it and just got a "regular" haircut.
Greg is doing OK. A little tired, and the chest cath is giving him a lot of discomfort. But, all in all, not too bad. No real side effects yet from the cytoxan.
He and Eric left at 4 this morning for St. L. Eric just called & said they were eliminated from the tournament early, so he's on his way home with the Altoonians.
Greg is on his way to the duplex to get settled in. Tomorrow he will start his growth factor injections.
Keep the prayers flowing!
Ann, Greg, Eric & Matthew


Mark said...

What a handsome devil! Instead of shampoo does he need head wax? I don't have any but I would get hime some.

Hey, could you post the addy of the duplex or the hospital where we could send Greg porn-um er I mean Reader's Digest magazines?

Ian said...

I have a feeling Greg's isn't the only chest giving him discomfort. HELLO!!!

Andy said...

I'd like some of those locks if possible, I'm learning how to tie flies.

Which Galixy are the Altonians from?

Ann said...

I left off the pic of all the hair on the floor. It was kinda gross. As for your second question, Tom & Julie will have to answer that one!

Ann said...

I left off the pic of all the hair on the floor. It was kinda gross. As for your second question, Tom & Julie will have to answer that one!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Greg, I like the look! I hear you ate with the elite Italians on The Hill! Keep the faith. Brian and I are are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Leesa W.