Thursday, March 5, 2009

He's Losing his Marbles

Well, we've had kind of an exciting week around here. Since last Friday, Greg has had 3 pretty scary "dizzy spells." Two were when he was seated & one was when he was standing. He almost fell over. He describes it as the entire room spinning. I won't go into all the sordid details about our interactions with the doctors, but since he had labs scheduled for Tuesday, we tried to get the Oncologist (local) to take a look at it (thinking maybe it had to do with low reds, hence not enough oxygen circulating). After getting the run-around all day, her response was pretty much "its not my department." So, we called his primary physician (who we probably should have called first) and finally got to see him yesterday.

He put Greg on a 24 hour heart monitor (just to rule that out) and thinks its an inner ear problem. Evidently, in your ear you have these hairs that have little rocks (or marbles) hanging down -- 4 in each ear. Sometimes one can fall off, causing your equilbrium to go completely haywire. Dr. Atwood is pretty sure this is the problem. Its more common in older people, but since Greg has had so much chemo and radiation, he said its caused some "premature aging." If it happens again, he's going to put Greg on low-dose valium (I hope he brings enough for EVERYBODY!) and that should clear up the problem.

In the meantime, I'm the designated driver.

We go to St. Louis tomorrow to see Dr. Vij. Hopefully we'll get some news about the transplant, and he gets a PET scan and a CAT scan. Then, we race over to KC for Eric's playoff game. The last weekend of hockey this season.

Sometimes, I think I'm losing my marbles, too.


Judy said...

Ya know, it's a good thing you guys don't have to pay tolls accross your state. Might put a damper on the budget.

So, Greg is literally 'losing his marbles'. I knew that living with you would eventually do that to him.

Jud~who's hoping to get on the valium wagon!

Francis said...

I suspect you are not driving this 700 miles “MO Triangle” all in one day! If so, Valium is a must! A true Valium Wagon a.k.a. VW. Until then, the prayer wagon is leading the way.