Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful friends and family for all your support and help during this difficult time.

On the medical front, Greg's condition has been about the same for the past week, which is one of the reasons I haven't updated in a while. He's still in ICU, still on a ventilator, still considered critical, and the prognosis still isn't too great. I'm home with the boys for the Holiday, but plan to go back tomorrow. I call every day to speak to the nurses or occassionally a doctor. They tell me the same thing every day. I'll stay in St. Louis for the weekend, and if there's still no change, or (hopefully) improvement, I'll probably come back Sunday and try to go to work on Monday. Sadie plans to stay, at least through next week, and has been a tremendous help.

The other reason I haven't updated in a while is that we confirmed that Sadie's bout last week was NOT stress, but a bona fide stomach virus. Monday night Eric called me and told me Matthew had gotten sick. Sadie had already gone to bed, as she had still not fully recuperated. At about 10:30 p.m., I decided I could do more good at home than where I was, so I took off from the hospital. Eric kept me updated along the way, and Matthew was REALLY sick. Eric was an outstanding big brother, and took care of Matthew until I got home around 2 a.m. Sadie didn't know anything about it until Tuesday morning. Then, Tuesday night, Eric got hit with it, and I got hit Wednesday afternoon. I'm just now beginning to feel human again.

I know Greg would join me in thanking you all for your prayers and support. We truly cherish all of you more than I can express. Have a very Merry Christmas and I hope to have better news the next time I blog.

God Bless,

Ann & Greg


Francis said...

Ann, you are amazing! Take care of yourself (and everyone!) As always, you all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Deb said...

Ann, Merry Christmas. I hope the news is better on Greg and Susan and I are praying for you. Let me know if I can do anything. Deb

Judy said...

Hugs as always......


Anonymous said...

A family epidemic of stomach flu is not what you needed this week, but I'm glad that you are through the worst of it. 2010 is close upon us and I have faith that it will be a better year for your family. Take care of yourself. We keep you all in our thoughts and hearts every day. Thank you for the frequent updates and news. Ginger

Debbie said...

Love you all....know that every hour you are in our hearts....