Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veteran's Day

Thanks for all the great comments from yesterday. They really are therapeutic for us. We look forward to logging on each day & checking them.

George: You’re welcome. I was able to say the same to my office after they raised the premiums on us in ‘03 – Greg’s diagnosis, "ramonia" and my pregnancy. We try to do our part!

Emily: I’ll see what I can do about the money. However, I have first dibs!

Andy: I’ll keep you in mind, but there better not be a next time.

Lauren: I like your idea about just keeping the ambulance, but I think its against the covenants to park it in my driveway.

Yesterday, Greg’s nurse told us that he was the first patient she had ever had who walked away like that. Then, we learned later in the day that another one had. Evidently, Greg has started a revolution. "Viva Che Gregorio!"

OK, here’s today’s scoop. Dr. Doogie Howser was in this morning & said they’re waiting for one more blood test from yesterday to see if he has a fungus infection (do I need to remind everyone AGAIN of the evils of fungus???). Assuming that comes back negative (we won’t know ‘til early afternoon) they MIGHT spring him today.

Another issue is that the platelets have really bottomed out. He was at 5 (!) last night. That’s almost negative numbers in platelet-speak. They gave him a unit last night, but they don’t draw labs until about noon, so we don’t know if they took or not. I guess we’re still a little confused about this whole blood count thing. We were under the impression that’s the main reason he was sent here, but everyone here seems to shrug it off & say that since he’s on his second transplant, this is probably going to be "normal" for him. Hopefully, we’ll get some clarification before we leave.

Anyway there seems to be a light at the end of this loooooong tunnel, at least for now. I really need to get home to hug my kids.

If they do discharge, I’ll try to post before we leave. But, depending on how busy
they keep us doing discharge stuff, I can’t promise. If anything, we’ll try to get a phone chain going on the way home. Keep your fingers crossed!



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