Wednesday, July 9, 2008

16 Crummy Points

Our Hero's ANC is at 1484 -- a mere 16 points from the magic number (Greg did the math for me). But, more importantly, we are stuck in the middle of that (in)famous Jimmy Buffet tune: "Lassix All Day, Saline All Night."

"Get Me The Hell Out of Here!"

No sooner had I posted yesterday than the oncologist came in & said there's a chance they'll send him home today (Wednesday). We seem to have two competing docs here -- one who's very conservative, the other a little more moderate. The conservative one doesn't seem to want to let him leave, while the moderate one does. Rumor has it they're going to rumble in the doctor's lounge later today & come to a decision. Maybe it'll be a thumb war. I'm rooting for the oncologist -- he seems more willing to send him home (and, he has bigger thumbs).

So, once again we're in hurry up & wait mode. What else is new? We're getting very good at that.

I'll post again later today if anyone (including Brett Favre) comes to a decision.

Stay tuned!



Kim said...

Well, it's a good thing someone in the family can do math, as we both know that is not your forte. But, 16 points - wow, that's awesome that his count has come up so fast.

An oncologist with big thumbs, I find that, somewhat, disturbing? Maybe they'll use tongue depressors or syringes at 16 paces?
Tell Greg I understand the gotta go, gotta go right now feeling -- since I've given up soda, almost, and have switched to lots and lots of water, I've now become quite familiar where the bathrooms are in a lot of locations.

Hang in there -


Anonymous said...

Ann and Greg:

On the oncologist rumble, I'll put $100 on the conservative doctor, that way the moderate doctor is sure to win.

Glad to hear that the ANC numbers are increasing and that there's a good chance of release soon.

Michelle L.

Francis and Cindy said...

Tell the big thumb oncologist that Greg’s (toes) are bigger! Listen to the bigger guy.

Glad to see Greg’s ANC is rising faster than the gasoline prices or the CA temperature. By the way, Brett Favre’s rumor has become another excuse for jitter in the oil market.

Sorry, gotta go. Blog later.


Judy said...

Usually the winners in thumb wrestling are the doctors with big ears, something to check out.

I'm really slipping in the blog department (but I still beat Ian!) we were busy pick raspberries! We will be jammin' soon! YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

I really may need a place to live, so if you don't go home, let me know. I'm pushing the 'puppy' envelope!