Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rough Night -- But OK

Well, we had a rough night last night, but, according to everyone here who's in the know, this is nothing out of the ordinary.

Greg continued with the "Revenge" during the day and starting last night, got a neutropenic fever. Evidently, this is par for the course. He spiked about 2 a.m. with 102.something. Lots of chills, and tylenol was only marginally helpful. We piled on the blankets & they also started him on IV antibiotics. The good news is that, as of this a.m., the 'revenge' seems to have abated. Last night about 8 p.m. they brought in a portable x-ray machine and took a chest x-ray, just to be sure his lungs are clear (they are -- the x-ray was negative). He's also developed some sort of weird rash all over which seems to have the doctor stumped -- they don't think its a medication reaction because it came on before the antibiotics. He's lost so much fluid over the last 24 hours that his blood pressure is very low, too, so they've got him on IV fluids & he's drinking a lot of water. I stayed here at the hospital last night to help out so I'm operating on very little sleep. I'm going to to home soon to shower & pack a bag so I can stay again tonight.

We have been assured by everyone that this is SOP and its not time to panic. I have to admit, when they came for the x-ray last night I had a bit of a flashback to August of '03, but the nurse assured me this is all normal.

Basically, what's happening is that his white count is so low (altho he's stubborn -- its not quite zero yet), that his body thinks its got an infection, so that's where the fever comes from. The antibiotics are precautionary.

So, even though his energy is VERY low, our spirits are still good. We really enjoy all the comments, and I make sure to read them to him every day. Deb -- thanks in advance for the shower shields. I hope they're waiting for me when I go home to clean up.

Thanks to all!




Anonymous said...

Ann and Greg

I just can't resist saying that I thought "The History of Dung" show really stunk! I only got as far as the previews and couldn't take anymore!

Greg, we're all down here rooting for you and praying for you! I hope today is a better day for you. If Ann isn't pampering you, let us know and we'll talk!

Cindy H.

P. S. Ann -- my baby blanket is almost done AND I've started a baby sweater!

Anonymous said...

hang in there greg! we are all behind you! LOVE YOU!

Judy said...

Hey guys,
sorry to hear about the rough night. The girls said an extra prayer for you that it would get better today.

I'm surprised that Greg's blood pressure isn't off the charts~after all he's spending so much time with Ann! :-)

Hugs and bigger hugs,


Francis and Cindy said...

Rough and Ready is a historic small town about 60 miles north of Sacramento, CA. It was founded by a mining company from Wisconsin in 1849 and populated mostly by people from Wisconsin. It is unknown on how many of the current residents are Packers fans. I guess cheeseheads are always ready. Greg, while it was a rough night; we hope you are ready to get better soon.

Deb said...


This is very normal. Fever is the body's way of making it work harder. With no white cells the body wants to work harder. I doubt Greg will ever grow a bacterial infection, but fevers even higher than 102 are not uncommon. Remember to take care of yourself. Sending lots of positive healing energy your way. hang in there.

Anonymous said...


I am so hoping and praying that today is better.
If this helps: there are very strong rumors that Brett Favre wants to come back to play. I hope this cheers you up!

Judy said...

Debbie double posting first thing in the morning? Must be on vacation.

Glad to hear that things are improving little by little and we're sending hugs...

We are still planning on coming down as we figure the girls can help the nurses on their rounds. FeiFei might be just a qualified as the nurses who helped you with the actual transplant!

I am making Ann white choc/mac nut cookies and they should be delicious, providing we don't eat them on the way down.

Good luck with the cell phone. That ought to keep you out of trouble for the rest of the day. Let us know if you get to talk to a human!

Francis, interesting story about the Cheeseheads coming to CA, does that mean you can get good bratwurst and punchkies nearby?

