Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Sorry for the delay. I just haven't had the energy to post over the weekend.

Greg has improved. The bowel obstruction cleared and they took the NG tube out yesterday. He got to have Jello. There's always room for Jello, right? Unfortunately, they don't make pizza flavored. As of this morning, his lungs sound much clearer, and the two blood infections he had going are culturing negative, meaning they appear to be under control. He's really weak right now, and can't get out of bed. They've called in a physical therapy consult to start working with him to get his strength back.

I came home late Sunday to be with the boys, and plan to head back later this week. I'm taking it day by day. Now it seems to be a matter of Greg getting his strength back. I can't see him being discharged until early next week, although he says he's coming home end of the week or over the weekend. I think they're going to want him to be able to walk, first. Just a hunch.

On a lighter note, I did manage to get to the Greek Orthodox Church across the street from the hospital on Saturday. They were having Greek Fest, which consisted of 85% food, 10% gift shop, and 5% music. Lots of big men with hairy arms and lots of facial hair named Nick cooking large chunks of animals over an open fire. The food was spectacular, although I didn't get to eat as much as I would have liked. Did I mention the pastry? Out of this world. I bought the church cookbook, and I'm happy to report that I've read the whole thing, and not one single recipe calls for Jello, Cool Whip or instant pudding mix. I didn't know you could publish a church cookbook without those standard ingredients.

Thanks to all for your support, once again. Special thanks to Steg for mowing the lawn, and to the Brincks for adopting my youngest. Of course, with the red hair, he just blended right in. He had a great time, and I can't thank you enough.

I'll post more when I know something. Until then,


Greg & Ann


Anonymous said...

So glad things are improving. We continue to think good thoughts and say lots of prayers. Eric looked good at the swim meet on Friday.

The Dennis Family

Judy said...

Please tell me you had good baklava!

I thought the Greeks invented cool whip? Surprised there weren't any recipes. They also invented Uzo flavored jello I know.

Glad to hear Greg is doing better every day. Let's get the show back on the right road! I think he needs to eat custard filled, garlic roast leg of lamb. Is THAT at least in the book?
