Thursday, July 9, 2009

We're Outta Here

Its Thursday morning and I'm here in St. Louis. I got here yesterday afternoon.

Greg is doing much better. The doc came in this morning and said the plan is to discharge him to Hope Lodge this afternoon. Here's the medical update:

They did a skin biopsy the other day. It confirms that he does have GVHD, but oncology says its at the level they expect, he should have it at this level to show he's "grafting" and that its nothing they can't handle and nothing they're worried about. They're treating him with steroids, so LOW blood sugar won't be a problem for a while. Now we just have to worry about high blood sugar.

They also did a bone marrow biopsy to check to see the progress of his grafting and the level of MDS and multiple myeloma. Those results won't be in for a day or two.

I mentioned last week that his blood cultures grew "something" but that further lab work was needed to know what. As of this a.m., we still don't know. Evidently its a slow grower. But, they're not worried as he has so many antibiotics on board he's covered for just about anything anyone could come up with.

The rash on his legs is improving. Also, the fluid is coming off, and his slippers fit again.

That's about it on the medical front. I'll be here through next week, as they won't let him stay alone on the "outside." The plan for now is my niece Kacey comes next weekend. We're trying to plan fun things to do when she gets here.

Matthew is at the Altoonians. I know he's having a good time. He got his kindergarten shots on the 7th, and the polio one was a live virus, so we have to find out from the docs how long he has to stay away from dad. I'm hoping its just a few days, as the plan was to bring him up the weekend of the 18th. But, the nurse thinks (although she's not sure) its 14 to 21 days. Eric, as usual, is home with pizzas in the freezer.

After we move to Hope Lodge, we won't have WiFi, so updates next week may be sparse. There's a public library down the street, so I'm planning to check it out for Internet access.

Huge thanks to all. Special mention to Amy for the bread, and to the Jones family for the DVDs. I found them on the door step. They will be very welcome when we enter the land of no TV. Thanks again!




Francis said...

Good to hear the update. I almost dropped my breakfast donuts when I saw the words “high blood sugar!” I guess fruit is better! As to DVDs, do you want Hallmark Channel wholesome family collection, Saturday afternoon old Chinese Kung Fu movies with miss-matched English voice over, or Monty Python’s Flying Circus? May be all of the above! As the grafting is making progress, we are hopeful that Greg’s situation will continue to improve. Have Eric thought about rating the taste and values of frozen pizzas on his blog or facebook? I am sure Amanda and Emily will find that very helpful!

Judy said...

Hi guys,

Glad to hear you're busting outta there! We will be praying hard for good results of those biopsies!

As for the internet connection, can't Greg just hold a coat hanger out the window or something? You'd think that would help.....

I agree with Francis on the whole Eric pizza rating thing, after he does the book, then he could do the talk show circuit. Gotta beat sitting out in the hot sun all day!

Tell Matthew we say Hi!

Thinking of you always!

Me and Them~except Mia who's eating her way around the raspberry patch

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you guys! I didn't read for few days... so I'm glad Uncley Greg is leaving there! I love you guys... maybe one of these days we'll make it down there to visit... I'm still praying for you.

Pam said...

Hey Ann & Greg!

So happy to hear that Greg is heading out of that hospital...just too many bad juju germs in there for him to have to be around, although it sounds like has an arsenal of antibiotics on board!

Russ and I will be heading out on the 11th and returning on the 19th...we hope to be able to stay up to date on the high seas.

If Eric is a tomato or cucumber kid tell him to pick 'em if he see's some that are ripe this next week. The cucumbers should be crazy this coming week with a few tomatoes coming on as well.

Always keeping you in thought and prayer.

Pam and Russ