Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We're Here!

We got home last night. I'm at work. Greg is home sleeping. Will post details later tonight, when I have a chance to sit down & compose something.

Thanks to all!



Judy said...

Sounds like you got the raw end of this deal.

I think Ian should take you out to lunch!

Off to shop wheat/peanut/milk free!


Francis said...

Home sweet home! While I enjoy your blog, Ann, I think you need to get some rest first.

Judy and Mark, Do you know that our family has been on mostly wheat gluten free diet for about a year? I am thinking about writing a cookbook on gluten free Chinese foods. I am sure it will make more money than my old evidence-based and research-supported boring academic books! I also know Greg is eager to contribute a chapter on how to prepare roadkills ran over by a $3500 ambulance ride in an anti-everything sauce and accented with the famous Wisconsin cheese that allows you to walk away without the nurses noticing!

Meanwhile, hug your kids. Give Eric a bye-bye kiss in front of his friends. He will remember and love you forever for just doing that simple act!


Judy said...

Francis! What a great idea! I'd buy one (although one has to be careful of all the 'possum recipes Greg would include... he IS in the Ozarks you know). Wheat free for a YEAR? Wow. It's only been a few days and I'm having a heck of a time (for those of you reading this, it really IS supposed to be a blog about Greg, but he has gotten enough attention lately and now I want it to be all about ME!). Anna Kate (the wheat free/peanut free kid) sort of told me to 'stuff' rice when she figured out all the foods she could choose from here. Her favorite? P butter on white bread. Daily. Going to be interesting...

Back to the subject, Ann, I disagree wtih Francis, I think you should give Eric a big wedgie! in front of his freinds to show him how much you love him.

Glad to hear the Big Guy is getting some sleep. When do you get to?



The Bobs said...

From my perspective, I believe Greg's cookbook chapter would be 365 days/ways with garlic.
(Ann can do the mushroom chapter)...and all wheat free!!