Monday, June 23, 2008

And......He's Off!

Grandma and Auntie Skibby arrived Saturday night, armed with cookies. Matthew & Eric were thrilled to see them. They were glad to see Grandma & Auntie Skibby, too.

Greg and I left home early Sunday morning, to leave enough time to drop my stuff off at my "summer home" and get Greg one last good meal before 3 weeks of hospital food. We arrived at the hospital at 1:55 as we were told he was to check in no later than 2:00. When we got here & told them Greg was here to check in, the nurses looked at us as if we were from another planet. The nurse said, "And you are...?" And Greg said, "Sick!" Seems they don't do things that way (even tho we were just doing what we were told). "Oh, no sir. We call you when we have a room ready. We don't just give you a time to come in!" Luckily, he was on the Sunday list, and a woman was in the process of checking out. She just wasn't gone yet. They assured us it wouldn't be more than an hour. So, we wandered around the hospital for 2 1/2 hours, until they finally called us. Got Greg settled in, answered the same questions 10 times to 10 different people, and waited, and waited, and waited....for them to bring his first dose of chemo. 8:00 they told us. 8 came & went. 9:00. 9 came & went. I finally left, as I was exhausted. Finally at 10:10 p.m. they gave him his first round. They're also keeping him WELL hydrated, so he was up all night. A hospital is no place to get rest!

This morning, we were visited by about 8 more people who asked all the same questions we already answered last night. Which of course makes our patient Patient very happy. I've only had to peel him off the ceiling 3 times so far (he's also getting steroids, which only help the situation!)

But we're here & we're going. His room has a good view, its quiet, and we're settling in. Even the food isn't too bad. He'll be getting his second and final round of chemo in a few minutes. This is strong stuff! His counts should zero out sometime today. He has to wear a mask whenever he leaves the room, and I've used more hand sanitizer in the last 18 hours that I've used in the last year.

That's about it for today. Thanks to all for your continuing support. We couldn't do it without you!

Greg & Ann


Judy said...

Did Sadie make enough cookies to last till I get there???????

Glad to hear that you're settled in-whatever that means when you're in the hospital. Just keep reminding the impatient Patient that he IS Gregarious and should try and live up to that!

Hugs to yous guys!

JS MS, Smarty, Giggles and Whiney

Anonymous said...

The real question is, did they bring enough cookies to share with the office?

Ah, hospitals, they try so hard to make you insane -- just gives them the opportunity to give you more medication!!!

Hang in there! Lots of love and prayers.

PS - Ann - Guess what? I cooked this weekend (don't faint!) Rick said he doesn't know if he can handle me getting domestic on him, har-har.

Anonymous said...

hang in there! We are all behind you!

Much Love,

Emily and the rest of the Connors