Friday, April 24, 2009

You're not going to believe this one!

First, let me say that everything is OK. We just had a ridiculous day yesterday that I want to share with you.

Yesterday (Thursday) Greg had to go to clinic at 7:30 for treatment. They knew he was coming, so everything was (presumably) ready. The Clinic is located inside the hospital. They draw labs, as usual, and his reds are 8.1 and his plateletes are 6. Low, but he's been there before. The platelets especially. And, his heart rate is high, but we've been dealing with that, he's gotten a complete workup and his internist on Tuesday wasn't too worried about it.

So, Greg is sitting there, waiting for them to get him some blood and plateletes, and the next thing he knows, they're bringing him a wheelchair & telling him his local oncologist wants him admitted to the hospital. (!) He's like "WTF?" but, he goes along, although he's getting pretty upset. No one tells him why. We initially think its his high heart rate. He tells doc about all the workups he's had, etc. He's probably not being as tactful as he could at this point, but he's pretty mad because a) he can't see a reason for admission, and b) no one tells him a reason for admission.

Anyway, long story short, they give him everything he would normally get at the clinic as an outpatient, only he gets it inpatient at probably twice the cost and twice the time. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is done about the heart rate. It went down some, probably due to the blood transfusion, but that would have happened anyway at the clinic. I took the boys up to have dinner with him, and we asked the nurse to check his chart to see the reason for admission. She looked & said there was nothing there. It was blank. I asked her if she knew a reason, and she admitted she did not. At about 7 p.m. they told him he could be discharged. That super-efficient process took until after 9, and he didn't get home til almost 10.

So, we've had another official hospitalization. We just don't know what for. Or why. Just blowing through the insurance money, I guess.

I'm beginning to think this is all my hairdresser's fault. Last November, I had a hair appointment. I had to cancel because Greg went into the hospital. In January, I had another. Had to cancel because Greg went into the hospital. In March, I had another. (Everyone this time!) I had to cancel because Greg went into the hospital! I have one for this afternoon. I told Greg yesterday when he first got admitted that I'm going to this appointment NO MATTER WHAT! My secretary says I need to go to break the cycle. Probably not a bad idea. Plus, I'm looking pretty shaggy.

So, that's our excitement for the day. Hopefully, it will be a while until I have to post again!




Judy said...

REALLY break the cycle, come home as a brunette (which you may be anyway, who knows...) or a redhead~runs in the family!

Hugs and prayers as always!

~oh and it's 80 here today Woo HOOOO !!!

Nancy Price said...

Why does Pres Obama think our health care system needs an overhaul? definitely keep the hair appointment, that'll do the trick :)

Francis said...

Greg would tell you, in social research we call that “regression to the mean” aka “bad hair day!” Ann, if you continue to cancel your appointments, you will have a hairdo of the good ole British Judge!

Anonymous said...

Ugh. All of this serves to remind me: that is why we call it "practicing" medicine. Maybe call the insurance to ask them the reason for admission.....if you have a whole day to hang on the phone that is.
I can only imagine Greg's frustration...but I think you both have the skills to turn this into a money making venture....write a book...also, have you ever looked into reiki?..although I think the Catholic church has renounced this practice.
LOVE YOU all....DB
Love you all
Love you all....

Judy said...

SO? How's the hair? Any pics to post?

Joan & Ivan said...

You know we love you when we learned/are learning to blog. Only for you.

Thoughts and prayers continue.

Thank for the updating. Hair is more important than laundry.

Joan & Ivan