Wednesday, February 25, 2009

This Week's Labs

Greg needs plateletes again tomorrow. They were still at 16 this week, after receiving a unit last week (20 is the cutoff). Hemoglobin (reds) is up to 9.3 -- after two transfusions over the last two weeks. That's a decent number, so no whole blood needed this week.


He's feeling well, finishing up painting the kitchen. The doc says the most important thing is how he's feeling. Keep praying. Thanks!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Make That a Double

Well, after going four weeks with no transfusions, now he gets two in a row.

Last week his reds were at 6. The double-dose of packed red blood cells got him feeling better (a little more energy) and got his levels up to 8. That is the cutoff, so he gets two more units today.

Also, plateletes were at 16 (20 is the cutoff for transfusions), so he gets that today as well. We suspected the plateletes were low -- his socks were a little too tight and he had some bruising from them. (Note to self: buy more expensive socks.)

So, he gets to spend the day with the nurses at the hospital (this will take a minimum of 5 hours). At least they give him lunch -- and we all know how great the hospital food is!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Four week limit

Well, four weeks seems to be about the limit. Greg needed whole blood this week, and got 2 units yesterday. We knew it was coming -- he was REALLY tired all weekend. But, he got his tank topped off and feels much better.

Plateletes were OK, and ANC is low, so lots of hand washing. We're used to that, though.

That's about all for now. We don't see the doc again until March 6.

Thanks for all the support!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yesterday's Labs

Greg had his blood drawn yesterday & all his lab work was still stable. No transfusions for the 4th week running! Woo Hoo!

Keep the prayers coming!